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Review of

Herzog Videos

Review Last Updated on by Luke Preston

Review Summary

It's Heidi porn all the way with busty Bavarians in Herzog videos, a German porn studio whose collection can now be found under one roof at this site. This is probably the largest collection of these movies, and it's a good collection too. All scripted scenes, all in German and dating back to the 70s and 80s, you actually get a good run for your money, especially with our discounted join price.

"Horny Heidi humps hoary Hans in classic Bavarian porn"




  • 427 Full Movie
  • DVD Quality (1,600 Kbps)
  • Streaming
  • Downloadable
  • Average length of 20 Mins

Herzog Videos Full Review


Yes, this really is that classic Heidi porn, and it's all from Germany and there are movies from the 70s and 80s. Herzog (not that Herzog film director) have a decent collection of Bavarian, Alpine-fresh hardcore for you, and each scene is there to be streamed or downloaded. You sign up and log in and find yourself on the Stiffia dashboard where you will see details of how you can add bonus sites Ill tell you in a minute. Click into your site and there you see the most recent updates.

I have to say that there hadn't actually been a very recent update when I was at the site, two months back was the most recent one. But there were hundreds of classic scenes taken from full length DVDs, or videos as they probably would have been back then. These have been digitalised and put up on line in Mp4 format. I found just the one resolution to stream and download, so there's not a lot of viewing options but then there's not a lot you can do with old stock, and Mp4 should suit about everyone.

The quality was actually pretty good, considering, and the sound is fine, the lighting fine though some look a bit over coloured, or saturated, but not to the point where it spoils the movie. The scripted scene are all in German and without subtitles so you will either have to be fluent in the language or else you can make up your own script and imagine whats being said. The talking doesn't go on for long though before the action starts. And the action is varied enough. Hardcore pussy banging, hot chicks giving blow jobs, guys in collars doing as they are told and even girls with Heidi hair in the Alps doing the cowman, that kind of thing. It's decently filmed and decently presented.

The movies can be viewed as scenes, or you can find the full length videos in the DVDs area and watch a complete one scene by scene. You have the same downloading option here and you can also stream the scenes one at a time, so it's really just another way of presenting the content. There are a few basic details with each one, mainly the runtime and upload dates and the scenes do have short descriptions to introduce them if you use the Show More function.

There were no galleries here, the site is purely the collection of videos and DVDs. There are some interactive functions, you can leave comments and rate the scenes, add them to a favourites area to watch again later and also report any problems. Unsurprisingly, the site can be translated into German. There is a menu item labelled Interact, but this takes you to another site where you kind of direct the action; it's an up-sell. And on that note, there are some adverts in the site and some could be mistaken for content links. There is also a pre-checked cross sale on the join page to watch out for.

And as for those bonuses. When you have been a member of Herzog Videos for a month and your membership recurs, you then get to access another of the many European studio sites. After several months you will have several more, so you start to see the benefits of a long term membership. With studios such as Purzel and Paradise Films also in the list, the network works out to be one of the best for all collectors of European hardcore.


Some of these movies are pretty old, back to the 70s, but the quality is still acceptable. They are not HD of course and have been transferred from film to a digital format but it's been done well. The style is old fashioned but the videos remain horny and good to see.

Content offered on Herzog Videos

There were hundreds of vintage scenes taken from full length videos or DVDs. Scenes run for around 20 minutes each and take a standard porn movie progression with plenty of action and also scripted moments. They are all German with no subtitles, and all from the Herzog studio. There are no galleries.

Reasons to Join Herzog Videos

This is probably the biggest, and maybe only, collection of Herzog movies all in one place, and they movies are well presented. If you stay a member for longer than a month you have a bonus site added, and so on, so a long-term membership brings good value. The site is easy to use and has basic interactive options.

Things that could be improved on Herzog Videos

Watch out for the pre-checked cross sale on the join page, and some of the adverts which you find on the pages in your member area. There are only limited viewing options here with one stream and one download in a standard definition. There are no galleries and there's not very much info about the movies. Updates are spasmodic.

Herzog Videos Bonus Sites & Pricing

The price is reasonable considering we have secured a discount for our readers and this is a decent sized collection of movies, though you will get better value from a longer membership. Beware of pre checked cross sales on the join page though, or you may sign up to other offers that will cost you more money.

Herzog Videos Review Conclusion

Herzog Video is a great place for all fans and collectors of classic European porn. There are scenes in the Alps with busty blonde babes and also some old Milfs in urban scenes, you have good variety, basic viewing options but actually decent quality considering the age of the videos. Stay a member and get the bonuses for real value.

Members Area Screen Shots

Below are actual screenshots taken from the members area of Herzog Videos. Updated on February 09, 2017

Bonus Sites & Multi Access Network

The Sites Listed here are sites that the company also has produced. In most cases, when you sign up to one of their sites you get access to their entire network. Check above to see if this company allows Multi-Access in the SITE DETAIL section of the review.

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