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Review of

Gay Cartoon

Review Last Updated on by Luke Preston

Review Summary

Gay Cartoon is a bit of a strange little beast. A while ago it had loads more toons than it does now according to earlier reviews at least. Now it has more stories than toons, I didn't find any videos, but there were three bonus sites. It's also misleading on its updates as every piece of content was mysteriously uploaded on the day of my visit. I honestly thought there was going to be more to this site than I found. Very odd.

"Fantasy images, computer generations and stories"
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Gay Cartoon Full Review


To be honest, I am not at all sure about this site for a couple of reasons. I entered the members area to find a standard home page with a members poll, menu, top viewed pics and sets and the most recent updates; all made on the day of my visit. Clicking around the various things in the menu this is what I found:

News: 25 image sets, some were drawings, some were computer generated images. Each gallery had around 30 pics that opened on individual pages, they had slideshows and zip files too, and there was nothing wrong with the quality of the images.

Updates: 15 image sets all uploaded on the day of my visit, and these 15 had also been available in the News area.

Pictures: four sets with between 90 and 2,929 images each. Over 2,000 for that one set? I opened it and found 50 episodes, or scenes, depicted in animation style images, with some text and description. These then opened into galleries that included gay and tranny sex. I was also told that (some of) these were exclusive. So it was all a bit confusing really.

Stories: There was a long page of these. A very long page, you might even consider Gay Cartoon a story site, but one that comes with some pictures. Simple, short and to the point.

Bonus: Here you can click over to Boys Wedding, Studs Fun and World-Gay. There is a link to over 100 feed sites and, back on the home page a link to 600+ DVDs. So that's where you will find your real porn.

So, a little confusing as to the actual amount of images here, no videos as this is a toon site, and I am still not convinced about the updates. It just strikes me as strange that everything had appeared on the same day as my visit perhaps if I click in tomorrow it will say tomorrows date. That's how it left me feeling. The toons are good enough, they are horny and fun, there is some tranny sex involved and there are some, quite frankly, that made me uneasy the depictions of younger boys with older headmasters etc. Suspend your disbelief by all means but it's hard to on some occasions.


The images are well put together, computer generated, so kind of standard in that respect. But they are a good size and survive well when you open them full screen.

Content offered on Gay Cartoon

Im going to say there are 50 galleries here with around 30 pics each but things may have changed again by now. There are over 100 stories, at least, and access to more real content in the bonus sites and feeds.

Reasons to Join Gay Cartoon

You get to access some extra sites here which helps, these are your standard, non-toon adult sites. Then there is access to loads of DVDs in a theatre also included in your membership.

Things that could be improved on Gay Cartoon

There's not a lot of toon content here, other toon sites have much more and some of it is dodgy in its depictions of youths. There is also confusion over the exact numbers and certainly there is something wrong with the updates the dates simply don't seem believable.

Gay Cartoon Bonus Sites & Pricing

Thank heaven for the bonus sites and feeds, otherwise you would be paying a huge amount for a little content. For stories it's ok, but for toon content you really would be better off paying another company and finding more content.

Gay Cartoon Review Conclusion

I simply didn't feel that this was a site I could trust. That was because of the updates and because some of the content was difficult to accept. For anyone looking for a toon specialist site I could mention many others that will serve you better (look around our other reviews and you will find them).

3 Bonus Sites & Multi Access Network

The Sites Listed here are sites that the company also has produced. In most cases, when you sign up to one of their sites you get access to their entire network. Check above to see if this company allows Multi-Access in the SITE DETAIL section of the review.

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