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Review of

3D Boy Friends

Review Last Updated on by Luke Preston

Review Summary

3D Boyfriends gives you a small collection of generated images, some feed sites that are toon based, and then a link to bonus sites, as long as you are a full member. It's colourful and bright, sexy and erotic, yet rather thin on the ground. There are no movies and no update news either, but you do get to see some original and well drawn artwork.

"They're not real, but they are sexy and they are in 3D"
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3D Boy Friends Full Review


This isn't going to take long.

Your home page consists of six areas, arranged in a well designed page. Actually, the best things about the site are the design and the drawings, but then again, there is very little to it apart from that. Talking numbers: I found 10 3D galleries holding between one and 24 pics each. These were a good size, up at 800 x 1200 if you choose the higher resolution option you get a choice, and you also have zip file downloads and slideshows. Each of the guys is perfect, they are varied and they are drawn or generated in such a way as to look almost lifelike. They sport very large cocks and nicely hung nuts and smooth asses. In terms of quality the galleries here are well produced and well set out.

Here's an odd thing. I was in this site a week ago and the upload dates that come with each gallery looked to be daily. Then I called back in today and there were the same amounts of galleries but the dates were from the last ten days. So that looks to me as if the upload dates change to make it look as if the galleries are being added daily; but if they were then there should have been 17 of them by now and not still ten.

So, after a few moments with these exclusive and original drawings, you're going to be ready for something else, and what you have is this: A link to Gay Illustrated for 40 images from a feed site, that are of a different style, a bit of hardcore toon-ing if you like. Then a link to Hunky Hentai for 32 good images in a Hentai style. A link to Male Works which didn't work, so I cant help you there. A link to Gay Cartoon, another feed site that had eight galleries with 15 images each (apart from one that had seven), and some of these were graphic novel style, with text to read along with the well drawn images. And then there was a link to the bonus sites,  as long as you stay a member and have a full membership. I thought I had but I was told I couldn't access these and, as the other link had not worked, I concluded there was a technical problem.

So, not a lot of content really. But you do get to add things to a favorites area but I didn't see where this was as there is no link to your favorites on the home page. You can rate content and a couple of members had done this, there are zip downloads and slideshows too. But there is a lot missing: you simply have images of 3D guys so the rest is up to your imagination. It's a good gimmick but one that I would expect to see as an add-on to a larger site rather than as a site itself. And for over $30.00 a month and with no guarantee of updates, well, you can use your imagination there as well.


There's nothing wrong with the artwork here, in the main area or the feed sites. These artists know what they are doing and even the top resolution pics are still nice and clear and well presented.

Content offered on 3D Boy Friends

There really isn't very much content here with only ten galleries of 3D guys and then a couple of feed sites with not a huge amount of drawings in them either. There are many more Toon and Hentai, Anime sites and feeds that could be included.

Reasons to Join 3D Boy Friends

The thing that really stands out is the quality of the drawings, computer generations etc. Hunky looking guys, good artwork and clear images.

Things that could be improved on 3D Boy Friends

There's hardly anything in here, some of the links were broken, you cant find your favorites area, there is no update news, and you're really left in the dark as to what you've paid so much for. Use the help link if you have the same trouble.

3D Boy Friends Bonus Sites & Pricing

I must admit that there may be more here but my membership seemed restricted so forgive me if you sign up and find bonus sites. I hope you do as for only 10 small galleries, $34.95 is a lot to pay each month, though the three-monthly fee is better value. Proceed with caution.

3D Boy Friends Review Conclusion

I was disappointed. But I knew I would be as Id seen the site a week earlier when the upload dates reflected the dates I was viewing the site and there had been no more in those seven days, even though the dates had changed. This made me suspicious. My advice would be to take a trial membership and ask questions. You'll get some neat toon work and some sexy images too, but not many of them.

Bonus Sites & Multi Access Network

The Sites Listed here are sites that the company also has produced. In most cases, when you sign up to one of their sites you get access to their entire network. Check above to see if this company allows Multi-Access in the SITE DETAIL section of the review.

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