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Review of

Innocent High

Review Last Updated on by Missy

Review Summary

There are some things that just cant be taught during normal school hours, but when that bell rings and the boners spring free, there's going to be a cheerleader, an assistant, or a student wanting a good grade that will be ready for the extra curricular activity! Innocent High is anything but innocent, but its the naughtiness we want, and they promise their pictures and videos will be nice quality and bonus sites are included.

"School daze....the golden goo daze..."

Latest Review Update

Innocent high is part of the Team Skeet network and membership to this site includes full access to 29 sites from the same network at no additional cost. The site itself has 570 young models in 466 Full HD movies and high-resolution photo galleries. The updating has been slow recently, but the bonus network sites make up for this.




  • 466 Full Movie & Movie Clips
  • HD 720p (2,160 Kbps)
  • Streaming
  • Downloadable
  • Average length of 30 Mins


  • 466 Picture Sets
  • Zip Files

Innocent High Full Review


When the folks from this school talk about making the grade, its not in geometry or home economics, its more along the lines of how well they can perform oral sex and who has the best spreading thighs in class! They have a grading scale all their own and the sole purpose of Innocent High is to show you the ones that are sure to make the honor roll next semester! They were updating on a regular basis, but now it seems pretty inconsistent.

With their multiple choices of viewing pleasure for the video section, you're going to enjoy the wide-eyed look of these babes while they're busting the ball juice up the shafts of their elders, wanting to please them in whatever manner it takes. You're going to get blessed with all of the necessities that constitutes a hardcore site, which includes tongues probing those teen vaginal lips open, in search of that budding button that will have them wiggling where they lay, not to mention the hardened nipples and stiffening tongues where they are ready to roam across the domed head of the dicks that await them. From there, its penetration in most any position, as long as it gets the juicy job done, then its an accepted form of pleasure.

There is definitely seduction in the air at Innocent High, and its something you wont want to escape from. They slip into the locker room, and bend them over the desk, there's no area taboo but it will make you want to attend each and every class on your schedule. They do a nice job of keeping the scenarios matching the look of the involved players, such as the school-girls themselves, with the pony tails, bright eyes and smaller sized breasts, you can really allow your imagination to take you into the world where getting that A on their report card is surely worth opening their legs to take the grading curve like a woman!

They do a nice job at offering technical numbers high enough to constitute rounding this site out with goodness from beginning to end. Whether you're streaming or downloading, you'll appreciate their efforts, and if you had another free hand, you'd even pat them on the back. A site such as this makes you wonder just how wild things get for teens these days, peer pressure is one thing, but trying to decide which teacher to give your virginity to must really be a lot to ponder! But, since they don't have to stay up all night hitting the books, they've got time to decide who they'll blow after the bell rings the next day.

From each set page available they keep all content boxed in beautifully, no muss or fuss, just taking you by the hand and leading you through the land of higher education. This includes the images held per set, and even from this criteria, they don't cut any corners offering the site displayed hi-res shots, a slide show, screen caps and ZIP file.


This was just a fun site, from the beginning of class until after the school lights went out for the day! They kept a clean display of content with multiple choices of viewing for videos, nice image galleries and updates, keeping quality high all the way around.

Content offered on Innocent High

After an initial review a few years back, a re-visit to this site has seen it grow dramatically. They have over 467 hours of video and 466 photo sets for you to enjoy. The older stuff tends to be a little lower in quality, but the newer videos are high definition, and there is more than enough to keep you occupied for a long time.

Reasons to Join Innocent High

There were a lot of areas that would bring applause from me in the line of pluses from this site, starting with the choices of the webmaster in putting it together and ending with the many choices and nice quality offered. Less we not forget the girls themselves, they were vying for high marks, and their sexuality will do it for them!

Things that could be improved on Innocent High

Trying to come up with a true, major complaint about this site is a hard task, its simplicity spoke volumes, they didn't go overboard with anything, but what was there was nicely done and neatly organized. After a review in 2012, the amount of content has grown considerably.

Innocent High Bonus Sites & Pricing

Members get access to the whole Team Skeet network of sites when you join. This adds over 40 other sites and thousands of 18+ teen themed videos to your membership. We have a great discount price for membership, that will save you at least 50% on your membership. 

Innocent High Review Conclusion

Innocent High is showing the world just how non innocent school life can be, and it's not the boyfriends they bring home, it's the teachers and principals that fill their days! They're going to make the grade and do so in a manner that will please members. Tour promises held true, just an all around nice site with class and dirtiness.

Members Area Screen Shots

Below are actual screenshots taken from the members area of Innocent High. Updated on February 23, 2021

29 Bonus Sites & Multi Access Network

The Sites Listed here are sites that the company also has produced. In most cases, when you sign up to one of their sites you get access to their entire network. Check above to see if this company allows Multi-Access in the SITE DETAIL section of the review.

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