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Review of

Elite Spanking

Review Last Updated on by Panky

Review Summary

Elite Spanking features beautiful girls who manage to get themselves into all kinds of trouble. When caught, they are sent straight to the headmaster or headmistresses office to receive their punishment. Their soft cream colored asses are soon to be bright red, swollen, and sore to ensure that these girls won't ever break the rules again. Membership will give you access to the Fetish Network with 39 sites with 3 videos added daily!

"Tender teen asses feeling the harsh blows of a hand or cane."




  • 236 Full Movie
  • HD 720p
  • Streaming
  • Downloadable
  • Average length of 5 Mins

Elite Spanking Full Review


Elite Spanking is all about German schoolgirls disobeying and being sent to the Headmaster to receive their punishment. The Headmaster, and sometimes the Headmistress, dish out a severe punishment to ensure that the student will think twice before breaking another school rule.

Your membership will give you access to such girls as the beautiful brunette Patricia who insists on getting tattoos, which she knows is forbidden. Her latest tattoo is discovered and she is immediately sent to the Headmaster. The Headmaster is not pleased, especially since this isn't her first offense, and decides to give her a harsh spanking with a wooden paddle. Patricia's soft, supple ass checks quickly turn bright red and begin to swell as she cries out for mercy. The Headmaster gives her soft ass cheeks one hard smack after another until they are beet red and swollen. Patricia walks away whimpering, determined to never break another school rule again.

There are many more gorgeous German schoolgirls who are bent over, canned, flogged, and whipped, even for the most minor of offenses.

Tight, toned backs feel the sharp crack of the whip. Plump teen pussies are flogged or smacked with a leather strap or crop until they are bright red and swollen. The girls hands are tied above her head or to her side, blouse ripped off exposing firm teen breasts with glass cutter nips, vulnerable to a harsh flogging or painful crack of the whip.

Strict discipline is in order to be able to run a highly respected girls school and the Headmaster and Headmistress aren't shy about issuing corporal punishment when needed.

You will have access to video after video of these gorgeous German schoolgirls, crying out in pain, begging for their punishment to end. Some of them get their plump little asses canned so hard that the skin breaks, leaving painful marks for weeks, if not permanent scars.

The videos may be rated by each member. The top rated movies by members can be viewed by clicking a link on the top navigation bar.

The entire members area is neatly organized and easy to navigate. The content is the main focus and members won't be bombarded with flashy ads and upsells to other sites.

Your membership at Elite Spanking gives you access to the Fetish Network with 39 sites 3520 fetish videos and 3 daily video updates. These sites cover various niches including BDSM/Bondage, Spanking, Smoking, and smothering just to name a few.


Elite Spanking is an excellent spanking site. The girls are all smoking hot and the headmaster and headmistress are quite skilled in delivering pain with pleasure. They take quite pride in delivering the punishment these girls deserve as they turn their tender little asses into swollen mounds of blood red flesh.

Content offered on Elite Spanking

There are over 230 high quality brutal punishment videos that can be viewed online or downloaded to your computer. Each video is an average of 2 minutes long and includes a matching high quality video screen cap set of images.

Reasons to Join Elite Spanking

The members' area of Elite Spanking is very well organized and easy to navigate. Videos are marked by large thumbnails and smaller images depicted scenes from each video. There are no annoying ads to spend more money. A new video is added weekly. The Fetish Network you get with your membership means you will never be short of new content.

Things that could be improved on Elite Spanking

After our first visit to this site it seems they have addressed many of the problems we found with the site, they have added a favorite folder, and access to live shows. The only con we can find now is that some of the videos seem a little old, but so is the site so that's to be expected.

Elite Spanking Bonus Sites & Pricing

For those members who want to take a break between videos, there is a Fetish Store which has bondage gear, sex toys, fetish wear, and miscellaneous tools of the trade for sale. Members are also given access to the entire network, including more canning, spanking, BDSM, Femdom, and smothering sites. They have a 2 day limited free trial, give it a try!

Elite Spanking Review Conclusion

Elite Spanking is the premier site for gorgeous girls receiving the corporal punishment they deserve. The content is professionally produced by those who love the niche, not someone pretending to understand the beauty behind pain and pleasure. The site updates regularly featuring some new girls and the occasional repeat offender. Try the free trial for sure.

Members Area Screen Shots

Below are actual screenshots taken from the members area of Elite Spanking. Updated on September 07, 2016

40 Bonus Sites & Multi Access Network

The Sites Listed here are sites that the company also has produced. In most cases, when you sign up to one of their sites you get access to their entire network. Check above to see if this company allows Multi-Access in the SITE DETAIL section of the review.

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