The ladies from this site are determined to tip the scales in their fornicating favor! Shes Huge offers a tour area of girls that enjoy the second helping from the kitchen and the bedroom. Not only is it hardcore pledged, but there will be lesbian excitement as well. They promise membership will give you the key to enter the erotica from BBW, along with live chat and a long listing of bonus sites to keep your bag filled.
Exclusivity | Quantity | ||
Updates | Features | ||
Quality | Navigation | ||
Downloadable | Design | ||
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If youve ever heard the old saying, Having the wind knocked out of my sails, then youre going to know exactly how I felt when entering the main membership area of, Shes Huge. The tour showed so much activity, there were so many promises, such as lesbian action, hardcore passion, and much more. I found myself anticipating my journey through the content, since Im a fan of the larger set ladies, Ive always thought those with the extra pounds carry such a natural beauty, its something that cant be matched, and they dont desire the airbrushing techniques for touch ups, they like being who they are, so for me, fuller figured babes know the right way to live and lust.
With that being said, so Ive made it perfectly clear my feelings on BBW, now its only right that I say this site itself is a huge disappointment, and Im being as polite as I can be in projecting my findings and reporting with honesty. I have been reviewing sites for many years, and I thought I had come across just about everything that could be seen, but this one threw me for a loop. Many, many times Ive had sites that will hold a low count and it sometimes makes me wonder why they are so eager to be reviewed at that time, why not wait until they had more to show, but from this site, well, lets just say Im almost going to feel guilty to receive pay for this review, and if it hadnt been for the fact I spent so much time trying to prove myself wrong in what I was seeing, I would probably bank the bucks for this one.
Upon opening the page, there were listings of the sites involved with the membership fee, all a part of the bonus package, which is nothing unusual, a lot of sites start out that way, so I went searching for the link that would take me into the chubby content I was looking for, I never found it. I did resort to the links from the horizontal bar at the top of the page, starting with, Video feeds, thinking this is where I would find their flicks, not there. Instead it was just more sites offering feeds as a third party installment. Ok, so where in the hell is the content? I then clicked on the link, Galleries. Voila! I found ONE gallery, thats right, dont rub your eyes, youre not seeing things there was only one gallery, it did hold 800 pictures, but a single shot in the dark is the only material Shes Huge holds!
I tried harder, I looked deeper, I clicked more often, I did everything I could do to searching for the numbers that would substantiate what the tour area was boasting about, and Im sorry to report, it just wasnt there. Apparently its all about the extras, forget about any self supporting content. In my way of thinking, after going through this with a fine tooth comb, the tour was basically a total fabrication of fornication, which of course soured me on the entire layout. When the initial promises are not only misleading, but downright untruthful, it just sort of sets a tone of down-falling optimism.
As for the ONE gallery that was held, it consisted of pictures that were mediocre in sizing, and actually, Im not 100% convinced these arent screen caps. If theyre posed and suppose to be high resolution, then whoever operated the camera wasnt someone that should have been, there wasnt a professional display at all for enjoyment. This single set is lesbian oriented, which is good, but when its all you have.
As I mentioned, there are many bonus sites, there is a live chat option, games, jokes, etc, which is nice, but if you think of joining because youre fond of the fuller figured female, dont waste your time in hoping Shes Huge is going to hold something that will have you horny all night long, its not going to happen.
Filling out certain parts of this review will be a bit difficult, such as this area destined to point out the quality of the content, but, unfortunately there's not enough material here to base an honest opinion on, this is truly something I've never happened across before. For the one single gallery held, the quality was lacking.
I can honestly say this is the first time I've ever had to report that I found a grand total of only one gallery of content, no videos, nothing more than one single gallery. Yes, there are tons of bonus items, but for self supporting material, that's it.
I'm sorry to say I didn't really find anything positive about this site to report to you. The only thing that made it something to give a passing thought to was the large amount of bonuses, other than that....I came up with nothing more.
This entire review has pretty much been something on the "con" side of things, nothing really positive from what they offer. There is but one image gallery to this site, nothing more except for the bonuses, an extreme let down and a true misleading tour area left a sour taste in my mouth.
If you're going to even think about membership to this site, it will only be for the many bonuses offered, as for the intended site itself, they would have to pay me to check it out.
Shes Huge could have been a big site in more ways than one. Enjoying the plushness of a fuller figured lady is always a joy to write about, and the introductory area expressed there would be plenty of content and action to enjoy, that was NOT the case. Only bonus sites and perks were here, from there, it was one gallery only, what a disappointment!