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Review of

Orgy Sex Parties

Review Last Updated on by Missy

Review Summary

Orgy Sex Parties concentrates on the old saying Money can't buy love but they forgot to add that it will sure purchase some mind blowing hardcore sex! The tour area shows well to do dames that have joined their love interest to partake in porn that is a real free for all once the action gets started. Nothing but hard cocks and erect nipples fill the room, and they are sucking and fucking their way through group interaction.

"Cum One....Cum All!"
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  • 100 Full Movie & Movie Clips
  • HD 720p (3,400 Kbps)
  • Streaming
  • Downloadable
  • Average length of 5 Mins


  • 100 Picture Sets
  • Screen Captures
  • Zip Files

Orgy Sex Parties Full Review


If you've always wanted to know how the upper tier lives, then checking out Orgy Sex Parties will surely fill you in on the fornication and what money, clout, and beauty can buy. There are a lot of sites out there in the world that feature group sex, but please understand, the sets that you'll be receiving with membership to this site wont just be your normal, run of the mill hot, thrashing bodies that are doing all of those hardcore things just to get a film wrapped up. No, from this site, you're being invited behind the red doors of some very exclusive soiree that will leave you wanting to get a second job, just to have the funds available to be on the hob-knob list of lust.

These babes show up in the tightest and shortest of dresses, the thin, knit material clinging to their every curve, while their long hair dangles down their back, and unbridled breasts fill out the front of their party clothing. Their dresses are just half of the drawing card, the thing that shows we've got money and we've got horniness, and were ready to spread them both! There are some of the most magnificent high heels on this site Ive ever seen, the stilettos, the glass slipper that is going to make every girl at these Orgy Sex Parties the bell of the ball! From there you have the tanned legs, the thigh high stockings, the extra layer of make-up, the dangling earrings and of course the glass of champagne that's placed in every new hand entering the party. Yes, its pure class, its the glamour, its the elite of the erotica.

A site that filters through all of the riff-raff and gives nothing but the utmost quality in their women, and the seduction that oozes from their bodies, tempting and teasing everyone filling the room, making themselves available for group sex that is done with taste, calls for having a quality that equals in comparison, and that's exactly what you'll find. There are extremely high technical numbers from the video section of this site, through streaming and download, either the clips or the full scene, they are making sure you feel just as rich when your erection begins to move.

I was surprised to find the images to be those of screen caps, I really expected some ultra high resolution images, but they are grabbed from the videos themselves, and I might add, they've done a very nice job of it. Their presentation begins on the same page as you'll find the video choices and then will continue from there. The thumbs are large, and will expand a bit further, bringing numbers such as, 800x450. These are done well enough you will feel appreciation from the areas they've captured them, meaning a lot of rich, brown nipples, lip gloss covered mouths sliding up and down the extended fuck poles, and of course tongues sliding into the sweetness of a woman's slit.


There is so much fine quality coming in from all directions for Orgy Sex Parties, you are going to have a smile on your face from beginning to end. Navigation was more than simple, and once you enter the video section, you'll find choices for viewing, bandwidth and nothing but the utmost quality in all presentations.

Content offered on Orgy Sex Parties

The content all the way around also brought in the stars in doing the tally for this review. They had a nice count for self supporting footage, and when it came to the niche of the content itself, they knew what they were doing. They are giving up a little Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart spin to the seduction and hardcore sexual pleasure.

Reasons to Join Orgy Sex Parties

The highlights of this site will come at you in true fornicating form. The tour spoke volumes of what membership would hold, and nothing faltered. Navigation was a pleasure and the content itself showed the rich and famous being the center of attention in a room full of nudity and lust. All bodies were fair game and all participants were classy.

Things that could be improved on Orgy Sex Parties

There was actually only one area that I found anything that I could come close to complaining about, and that would have been in the image section. Some high resolution shots available for ZIP would have been the icing on this convening cake of hardcore enjoyment in a group sex sort of way.

Orgy Sex Parties Bonus Sites & Pricing

With the amount of self supporting material from this site, it would begin to balance out what they're offering in the line of membership fee, however, once you factor in the huge list of bonuses that go along with this material, it's a deal that you'll want to carry home in a bag! The yearly membership is a steal, working out at only $7.83 a month!!!

Orgy Sex Parties Review Conclusion

Be sure to wipe your feet at the door before entering the high class, exclusive invitation orgies being offered by Orgy Sex Parties. There won't be a speck of dust anywhere, but there will be plenty of cum flying. Everyone is doing everyone else, so keep straight what body part belongs to whom. Tour promises held up, quality was rich!

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