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Review of

Fetish Force

Review Last Updated on by Luke Preston

Review Summary

It's all about tough men, BDSM, fisting and fetish action at fetish Force, a site with exclusive content, guys and access to Fisting Central all included. There are some pretty hair-raising scenes in here which fisting and fetish fans with find fulfilling and fantastic. Enough with the F words, you are looking at good quality content from an established company, and a good sign up price. The downside? It's streaming only.

"Hits you right between the butt-cheeks with hard fetish"
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  • 324 Full Movie
  • HD 720p (1,500 Kbps)
  • Streaming
  • Average length of 20 Mins


  • 181 Picture Sets
  • Hi-Res Pictures

Fetish Force Full Review


Signing in was easy though watch out for pre-checked cross sales on the join page, and finding what was new was also easy. There's a large image atop the page and then the updates listed down the home page, pretty much as you see on the tour. Navigation is by way of a top menu which will take you to the content from Fetish Force and Fisting Central, or all Scenes, Photos, movies, and Men; the rest of your main links concern extras and promotions. A very top menu lets you change the language of the site and also shows you your Account options, which is where you find you favourites storage area and site settings. (Change your password etc.)

Clicking into the scenes area first I found the content listed by studio and category, date order and most viewed; there are some good search and sort options for you here. Studios included FF and FC, as in the top menu, but also Stud Fist and Titan Men, so you've got content from four studios here. Content is listed across numbered index pages with large sample shots that show the upload date and run time when you put your pointer on them.

Viewing pages consist of a neatly set out viewing screen with stream options, and these went right up to 1080p in the more recent videos, though older ones do not have the same quality options for viewing. There are links to photos and tag words, and to the models and to the DVD from which the scene has come. All in all, you've got simple and good viewing here and technically there should be no issues.

The Photos area is set out in a similar way but with larger sample pics to lead you to the galleries. Once there you find small numbers of individual pics but, like the videos, excellent quality. And that's another good point: you have nothing to worry about quality-wise here; good filming, great performances, moody lighting and good sets, all mixed with good close ups and great camerawork and clear visuals. Fetish Force is great quality throughout.

And that goes for the men as well. In the past the site has favoured your typical butch fister, your studs and muscle guys for its models, but in recent years things have mellowed slightly. The guys still get off on the fetish action and you've got just as much hardcore as you couple hope for, but here are some younger, smoother guys now getting involved. Whether you want fisting up to the elbows, sling action, cock sounding (pushing metal rods into the penis), BDSM, hot wax, pegs, humiliation, spitting, well, you name it, these guys are not afraid to do it. They vary in age from 18 upwards, and in looks and ethnicity so not only do you have a good variety of action, but also a good variety of models.

Fetish Force is a bit of a classic, its sound, it's solid and it gives you unrelenting hardcore fetish action. Not for the faint-hearted, the combination of two site gives you at least two updates each week and plenty of hardcore to get you hard, and maybe make your eyes water.


Movies date back to 2001 here so older quality is not as good as modern. UP to 420 p in the original movies, up to 1080 p in the recent ones. But filming, sound, lighting and performance are all good quality. Ditto the photos where the older movies screen caps may not be as good but where the digital galleries hold high quality images at 1,280 x 840.

Content offered on Fetish Force

I counted 324 scenes that ran for up to 25 minutes and took in all kinds of fetish action. There were galleries attached to these and then 181 other galleries holding around 10 to 20 pics each. In the model index were 213 hot guys and the Cinema XXX bonus area held links to 11 feed sites. Updates are around twice per week.

Reasons to Join Fetish Force

Thumbs (and fists) up to the high quality, exclusive content that takes in all kinds of heavy fetish action. Tough guys who know what they are doing, and forceful men in strongly filmed scenes. Great quality too, good update schedule, easy site to use, reasonably interactive and with content from two sites included, plus some bonus feeds.

Things that could be improved on Fetish Force

Not so sure about the stream only status of the movies, wed like downloads, but there you go. Older movies are lower quality due to age, and galleries could hold a few more pics; I for one would also like to know a little more about the guys in the model index.

Fetish Force Bonus Sites & Pricing

On-going memberships are well worth it for the regular updates. Watch out for pre-checked cross sales on the sign up pages, even though the sign up says no risk there is a bit of one. Monthly memberships are standard and decent price, but the longer-term ones are where you find the best value for money.

Fetish Force Review Conclusion

Totally recommended for fetish fans and the curious; but be warned: this is hard and tough stuff, these guys know what they are doing and you should not try this at home without the aid of a safety net, or at least some rubber sheets. Great quality, hard men, good viewing options but no downloads, good updates, a good price and fetish-fan dream.

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